Stacker4 100stk

  • 5.995 kr
Vsk innifalinn

Our Stacker 4 fat burner has been a household name in Europe for 15 years. It’s known as the continent’s best-selling fat burner! This popularity was achieved simply by delivering the best results. Stacker 4 increases your metabolism drastically and forces your body to use your fat reserves as a source of energy to burn this fat. Stacker 4 has a very sophisticated composition aimed at losing surplus pounds, and at the same time it provides a huge energy boost, keeping you sharp and alert.

Stacker 4 is one of the most powerful weight-loss products to be invented and is a true gem!

Stacker 4 is the strongest and best-selling fat burner in all of Europe! Stacker 4 is manufactured to not waste any muscle while you’re losing weight; it only burns fat and nothing else!

One of the best-selling fat burners in Europe for many years!

Ráðlagður dagskammtur – 1 hylki á dag.

Varan inniheldur mikið koffínmagn og ekki er æskilegt að börn, barnshafandi konur eða konur með barn á brjósti neyti vörunnar.

Koffín innihald:
Hvert hylki inniheldur 300mg af koffíni, ekki er ráðlegt að innbyrða meira en 300mg af koffíni á sólarhring.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Ásmundur Sigfússon

Stacker 4

Gunnar Sigurbjörnsson


Rafal Fiolna

Stacker 4

Daníel Þorsteinsson
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